Serial Dengue and chikungunya epidemics, dismal Drainages and Sewerages treatment, Polluted Water Systems and the Clean India - An analysis
Part of Article - Serial Dengue and chikungunya epidemics, dismal Drainages and Sewerages treatment, Polluted Water Systems and the Clean India - An analysis
Dengue, Chikungunya, Swine flu seasons in India. Well bluntly put we didn't hear about them growing up.Yes we used to get sick but no recurring epidemic. Now we have Swine Flu (H1NI and variants) followed by Dengue and Chikungunya and its variant and in between we have typhoid, jaundice, infection and the list is long across India.Now there are at least 6 months in India when television ads start asking us to douse us and our kids with chemicals. Hospitals flooded with patients and news of deaths.Reports are suggesting, the
viruses are mutating as their general course (Western Labs mostly, but ICMR
still researching and to put related guidelines on antibiotics usage).Now a few facts.1. India is a highly dense
country mountain to coast, and then coast to coast.2. Drainage, sewerage, water and waste management systems are non existent or creaking.2. India has easy access to
antibiotics, which is not documented or tracked under a regulated system like
the West, where it's heavily tracked ...